Our Services

Data Analysis

Data is everywhere in an organization. When we perform even simple analysis on readily available data in an organization it provides meaningful insights. Low hanging fruit can feed many.

Model Building

We can go beyond data analysis and building models with your data provides you with predictions of valuable information as well as explanations as to the key drivers of that prediction.

Dashboarding & Visualization

Analyzing data in only part of the picture. We help visualize and understand the insights achieved from data analysis and model building.

Training & Executive Education

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Using our experiences in training and academia, we train your team to take the reigns.

Model Evaluation & Auditing

What if you already have a model in place? Sometimes you just need another set of eyes to make sure you have not missed something. Using our years of experience we help audit and evaluate your models.

Advanced Modeling Expertise

We have a wide variety of experiences and problem solving across all areas of data science from working with many different clients. However, our deepest expertise is in the realms of forecasting, credit scoring, and anomaly and fraud detection.

Featured Projects

Below we have listed some example projects with companies to give you a flavor of what we can do at analytic-AL.

Credit Score Model

Goal: Build multiple credit scoring models for an organization across multiple countries.

Outcome: Models made default rate 3.7 times lower leading to sweeping changes in how company collected and used data.

Survey Analysis

Goal: Analyzed survey data for large organization to help them better understand their customers' preferences.

Outcome: Enlightened marketing executives to customer sentiment around purchasing leading to new strategy development.

In-Person Training

Goal: Train analytics team on predictive modeling using Python.

Outcome: Trained 25 person analytic and software engineering staff on usefulness of Python for predictive modeling leading to a change in software implementation at company.

Online Training

Goal: Train analytic staff on benefits and use cases for time series modeling and forecasting.

Outcome: Developed an online training in time series forecasting for over 100 staff using the client's data.